Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Summer Trends Revisited

by Anne Z.

As we head into autumn we get bombarded with new trends and styles. But there is always more than one trend a season and not everybody is necessarily going with it. A short visit to Spitalfields Market reveals what summer trends young fashionistas have adopted.
This being summer in England, there are no sunshine trends in sight when I arrive at the market; everybody is warmly wrapped into jumpers and jackets. Even so, people are keen to talk about their favourite summer piece.
Expecting a more suttle colour palette for the future season, there seem to be two ways of dealing with the past. Wear bold and bright fabrics to mark the difference or save money by buying hot weather pieces like maxi skirts in earthy warm colours, like 19 year old Emma, a student from Epsom university.
Either way, this means reacting on and adapting trends. Besides that, there are also the ones who are always fashionable, but who insist that they are wearing the same styles for several seasons. For example denim jackets and shorts. But you`ll still find little up to date influences, e.g. the shorts being denim cut-offs combined with a vest this year.
Though I very much like and completely understand (!) the fact that people care about their lookings, I do have a secret heart for those who don´t listen to trends at all. „It´s jeans and t-shirts, like every year“, says Sagun, 32, trader at the market. Not very exciting, but in times of ever so fasten changing trends maybe even a little braver than the rest of us.

Emma and Olivia, 19, students

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